

The Shutterring project aims to make smart doorbells more responsible by ensuring the privacy of bypassers and owners while keeping the main functionality of the device intact.

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The Shuttercam project investigates the effect of shutters, so-called shields placed over cameras. What if, as a passerby, you could clearly see if and when a camera was on or off?

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6 design sprints

We have started a new collaboration with design studio The Incredible Machine to increase the output of new concepts, feasible designs and tangible prototypes that can be tested.

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Enhancing the feeling of safety in public environments

How can smart sensing technology be (re)designed to contribute to perceived safety in public spaces?

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Simple Sensors

The Simple Sensors project investigates how cities can collect data responsibly.

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Responsible Sensing Toolkit

6 steps on how to use sensors in public space in a responsible way.

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Quick scan multi-party-computation

We are performing a quick scan for a pilot with secure multi-party computation (MPC) in Amsterdam.

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Responsible Drones

Within the Responsible Drones project we explore how cities could utilize drones in a responsible way.

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The Transparent Crowd Monitoring Camera

The number of crowd monitoring cameras in public places is increasing. What could be done to inform and ensure people that counting cameras are just there for the counting?

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mmWave sensor

With the mmWave project we're investigating a privacy-friendly alternative for camera surveillance in the city.

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Sound trigger

We evaluate a municipal pilot study of a so-called ‘sound trigger’ that is being used to assist the municipal Enforcement department and the police in detecting incidents in the city.

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Alternative imaginaries for the smart city

From public values to urban sensors. An art- and design-led inquiry into urban imaginaries and urban technologies.

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