
Design safe routes in sensing smart cities

In this project we work on the challenge that is posed by the increasing amount of surveillance in cities.

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Monitoring noisy vehicles

Nuisance of loud motorcycles and other loud vehicles is a substantial problem in cities, as shown by the many submitted complaints and petitions of residents addressed to the City of Amsterdam. We are exploring the impact of the potential implementation of ‘noise flash units’ in the city.

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DCODE project

In 2022, two DCODE prototeams of PhD students will be working on a grand DCODE project at AMS Institute. The Responsible Sensing Lab provides the prototeams with cases that they will work on.

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Scan cars

We question and explore which public and democratic values should be embedded in the implementation of scan cars. Could they be designed in a way that makes them (more) transparent, understandable or even contestable by citizens?

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Transparent charging station

The transparent charging station is a design project meant to explain smart charging algorithm decisions to users.

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Roboat is a new kind of on-demand infrastructure: autonomous platforms will combine together to form floating bridges and stages, collect waste, deliver goods, and transport people, all while collecting data about the city. How can we re-imagine urban infrastructures with cutting-edge technologies? And which ethical questions should be considered?

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Exhibition at Arcam

Three of our projects are displayed at the exhibition Private_Eye_Butler_Spy by Arcam.

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Senses of Amsterdam

Until March 2022 you can pay a visit to Senses of Amsterdam – an interactive exhibit about sensors in the city of Amsterdam at NEMO De Studio.

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Intelligent Use of Public Space: Recommendations from Report

In 2020 the Responsible Sensing Lab - together with TILT - organized two ethics & governance clinics for the project Intelligent Use of Public Space (Dutch abbreviation: IGOR). The governance clinic led to a comprehensive report with recommendations.

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Academic collaborations

How to get involved as a researcher? Read more about it on this page.

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Consortium Smart Doorbells

The ‘Smart Doorbell Consortium’ conducts research on citizen experiences with smart doorbells, explores regulations and solutions to improve transparency in their usage, and develops guidelines and feature requests.

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