DCODE project

In 2022, two DCODE prototeams of PhD students will be working on a grand DCODE project at AMS Institute. The Responsible Sensing Lab provides the prototeams with cases that they will work on.
Image: Peak15 Design Studio

DCODE prototeams consist of PhD researchers from various backgrounds that work together in real-world contexts and develop scientific knowledge to prototype future design competences and professional practices.

Two prototeams

There are three prototeams in total. We are involved in two of them.

One team will design a critical lens to examine the experience and expectations of privacy and trust in machine vision across private and public spheres in the UK and the Netherlands. It will particularly look at how elderly communities and their care networks experience trust, agency and privacy differently.

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Youngsil Lee, part of prototeam 2
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Rob Collins, part of prototeam 2
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Yuxi Liu, part of prototeam 2
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Sonja Rattay, part of prototeam 2
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Aditi Surana, part of prototeam 2

The other prototeam will look at tensions arising from predictive crowd management sensing systems, using the AMS CityFlows initiative as a context to better understand sensor networks and their implications on public spheres of life within Amsterdam.

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Mugdha Patil, part of prototeam 3
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Ignacio Garnham, part of prototeam 3
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Grace Turtle, part of prototeam 3
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Seda Özçetin, part of prototeam 3

Thijs Turèl (one of the initiators of the Responsible Sensing Lab) is part of DCODE’s guest faculty and DCODE Associated Partner.

The DCODE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

DCODE strives to bridge the gap between people, technology, and society, by working across disciplines and sectors. I couldn't agree more.”

— Thijs Turèl, mede-initiatiefnemer Responsible Sensing Lab

We will update you on 2022’s DCODE project at AMS Institute soon!


TU Delft

Thijs Turèl

Initiator Responsible Sensing Lab and Program Manager at AMS Institute

AMS Institute

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