Responsible Sensing Lab anniversary event 2023

To celebrate our 2nd official anniversary, we are hosting an event on Thursday 16 February in Amsterdam. Peter-Paul Verbeek will provide a keynote on this festive day.

Our anniversary event will take place on 16 February 2023 from 3.00 - 6.30 pm in the IJzaal of Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. It is also possible to join us online through the livestream below.


3 pm - (Virtual) walk-in 
3.30 pm - INTRO
How to build a responsible smart city
Ger Baron | Chief Technology Officer | Director Digitization and Innovation at the City of Amsterdam
3.45 pm - KEYNOTE
Democratising the ethics of smart cities Peter-Paul Verbeek | Writer, researcher and Rector Magnificus at the University of Amsterdam
4.15 pm - TALKSHOW
Responsible Sensing Lab – achievements and look ahead

  • Thijs Turel | AMS Institute, Program Manager Responsible Digitization & co-initiator of the Responsible Sensing Lab
  • Sam Smits | City of Amsterdam, Lab Lead & Project Manager Responsible Sensing Lab

The challenge of broad inclusion of citizens in livinglabs
Sofie-Amalie Torp Dideriksen | PhD researcher at TU Delft

Contestable AI: designing responsible decision-making systems 

Kars Alfrink | PhD candidate at TU Delft
5.00 - 6.30 pm - OUTRO & DRINKS

Foto Peter Paul Verbeek Peter-Paul Verbeek is Rector Magnificus at the University of Amsterdam. His work revolves around the relationships between humans, technology and society and focuses i.a. on ethical reflection and practices of design and innovation. Find more info below.

Ger Baron
© Anne Reinke

Ger Baron is director Digitization and Innovation at the City of Amsterdam. In 2014 he was appointed as the first Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Amsterdam.

Kars Alfrink Crop

Kars Alfrink is a designer, researcher, educator and PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. His research focuses on how to ensure that AI systems are contestable by design.

Sofie Amalie

Sofie-Amalie Torp Dideriksen is PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering belonging to the AI Futures lab at TU Delft. She graduated in collaboration with the Responsible Sensing Lab.

Sign up

We are looking forward to meeting you in February!

  • Please sign up if you haven't done so yet so we know how many of you will join us in Amsterdam and online.
  • Click here to add the event to your calendar.

For those that will join us online: the livestream link can be found on top of this page.

Sign up
De Zwijger Gebouw

Keynote speaker

Until October 2022, Peter-Paul Verbeek (1970) was a university professor of Philosophy of People and Technology and a scientific co-director of the DesignLab of the University of Twente. He also was a honorary professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research focuses on the relationships between humans, technology and society and focuses on philosophical analysis, ethical reflection and practices of design and innovation.

Peter-Paul Verbeek is one of 6 principal investigators of a ten-year research program on the ethics of socially disruptive technology (ESDiT) and a chairman of UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Science and Technology (COMEST). He also is a chairman of the Ethics and Digitalization working party of ECP. Since October 2022, professor Verbeek is Rector Magnificus at the University of Amsterdam.


Rector Verbeek's Dutch publications include Op de Vleugels van Icarus (2013), De Grens van de Mens (2011) and De Daadkracht der Dingen (2000).

English publications include Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things (2011) and What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency and Design (2005).

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AMS Institute

Gemeente Amsterdam

Ger Baron

Chief Technology Officer, City of Amsterdam

Sofie-Amalie Torp Dideriksen

Designer, PhD-student aan de faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen, TU Delft

Kars Alfrink

PhD Candidate, TU Delft