Anniversary event Responsible Sensing Lab
We look back on a festive and inspiring event and hope it has been an inspiration for both to those who joined us in Amsterdam and online!

During the event we talked about what responsible sensing means, and discussed what should be done to design better, more democratic, and more responsible digital future cities.
Our first speaker Ger Baron discussed the current state of Smart Cities. Followed by a keynote from Peter-Paul Verbeek about democratising the ethics of smart cities and a talkshow with Lab Thijs Turel and Sam Smits about the achievements of the Responsible Sensing Lab so far and a look ahead. We finished with two research sessions, about the challenge of broad inclusion of citizens in livinglabs and about Contestable AI.
Check the recording:
See the photo gallery below for an impression of the event's atmosphere.

Lessons learned from the Responsible Sensing Lab
During the event we highlighted the guideline 'Collecting data in the public space' document that the City of Amsterdam has drawn up recently. This guideline is based on the lessons we have learned at the Responsible Sensing Lab so far and serves as a helping hand to policymakers and organizations working on researching and developing responsible ways of sensing and collecting data in the smart city.