
Smart city systems can help solve urban challenges. But when collecting data, what public values are involved? The Responsible Sensing Lab explores how to integrate social values in the design of sensing systems in public space.

In January 2021 the Responsible Sensing Lab was officially launched during an interactive livestream event. In essence the Lab is a testbed for conducting rigorous, transparent, and replicable research on how our smart technologies placed in public space can be designed in a way that makes the smart city ‘responsible’.

Our projects

Design sprint tools for third-party scrutiny

Cities increasingly use algorithms to govern daily life and support decision-making. At the same time, algorithmic decision-making can harm people’s fundamental human right to autonomy. Can we develop AI that is open and responsive to dispute? Our team designed a speculative dashboard for people to scrutinize a specific algorithmic system.

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Re-imagining navigation software to support exploring

The rapid spread of GPS-enabled smartphones since the early 2000s has fundamentally changed navigation in the city. Interaction Designer Laura de Groot explored the potential downsides of mobile navigation software and re-imagined navigation software to support exploring.

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Listening to our Cities

Understanding how noise pollution is perceived with smart sensors and human feedback.

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Citizen communication and participation regarding sensors

Smart city systems are on the rise. Together with national partners we are working towards a standard communication approach to enhance awareness on the use of sensors and, with that, the involvement of citizens.

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Our latest updates

Winners Call for Proposals: Responsible Solutions in the Smart City

We have two winners for our Call for Proposals: 'Responsible Solutions in the Smart City'!

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mmWave Results

We have relaunched the mmWave pilot at Marineterrein to better understand the technology and its application for monitoring crowds in the urban infrastructure. Our Researcher Girish will share his first results.

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3 findings Shuttercam pilot ArenA

The Shuttercam project tested two prototypes on location at the Johan Cruijf ArenA in Amsterdam. How do professionals, activists and passersby react to this intervention? Here we dive into 3 results from the experiment.

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